cinblog1965 Member


  • Jeez my spelling is atrocious! I swear its the tiny keyboard on the cell phone
  • I just signed up for Noom. I am finding the logging tedious and im terribly disappointed that droid userd cant enter their own recipes. I love to cook and this means ill waste a ton of time logging crap. I eish it just integrated with MFP. I would pay extra for that feature, as i know it would cost them to access the info.…
  • A new weekly post:
  • A new post:
  • I'm probably more intervals at my age. Used to be HIIT. My asthma has gotten to the point where I can't do HITT correctly, can't push myself that hard because I can't breath. 1 reason I like doing the cardio intervals is that it helps with asthma by making my lungs work hard, and it's just good for me mentally. But I'm not…
  • I don't really know why it's listed on the program. I would guess it's for heart health. Or to help with boosting matabolism, because this particular workout is only 3 days a week.
  • @heybales thanks for the info! I'm learning a lot here. I just started the EM2WL workshop and decided to do a matabolism reset so I'm trying to increase my calories which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for those pesky macros . . . lol. That is taking some work and some planning. I do love my carbs and fats ;-) I'm…
  • A new post:
  • Love this post, thank you Kiki! I'm one of those people that never gets full so eating my calories is no problem but then my brain beats me up for it mentally! I quit weighing about 8 weeks ago when I started this to try to keep from panicking. Moments of panick set in when my clothes go on in the morning and they're…
  • I'm going to have to look into it after I finish the 4 periodization workouts I'm doing. I am on the first now, Surge, and love it. In 2 weeks I start Evolve which will last 8 weeks and then I'll go to Strength. I love these workouts. They are too-the-point, without a lot of extra reading involved. Wonder if after I've…
  • @TerezaToledo Thank you! Tereza I had no idea this phase would cause bloating more than other phases. I would have thought Strength does. That's a relief! Truthfully I do eat too much, I'm usually eating 2100 calories lately and for a 15% cut I should be eating just shy of 1800. And I'm not one of those that has issues…
  • I have a new blog post regarding the Surge workout.
  • Ok i know, I'm panicking. It's like what was said in yesterday's boot camp, the before, after, after-after analogy. I will get through this just like all of you have. I just have to persevere
  • I need an NSV! I've been doing this 5 weeks and I've gotten a little stronger but I struggle to not eat over my 15% cut (1795 calories) and I go over 2-3 days a week. I work out with weights, having started the Surge program last week (love it BTW). My jeans are tighter. Im not going to panick, I'm not going to panick . . .
  • You can check my diary. I try to be accurate and log everything. However, I may not be the best example. I try to stick with my macros but after years of trying so hard to eat perfect, I'm enjoying some higher fat junk food.
  • Any suggestions on how to find an accountability partner? All my friends think I'm crazy to think I can lose weight by eating more lol.
  • Yes that's okay To share. I love the input and comraderie I get from everyone here. And although I'm just starting, if it gives anyone else ideas or inspiration, that's great! I'm going to have to try the cupcakes, I haven't tried any of her deserts yet.
  • I have found that on diets that gave a 'free' day every week, it was an excuse to binge. I would start out eating sanely, but within a few months I'd plan my whole week knowing I had the free day so everything my heart had desired during the week, I'd overeat on that free day. Following EM2WL, I'm finding I get plenty of…
  • @TerezaToledo I would love to see others' food diaries if they don't mind adding me as a friend!
  • @TerezaToledo yes I joined. I'm hoping I can do the boot camp. The workshop that last ran didn't work with my schedule. I'm not able to get in front of my pc much at night, too busy getting everything ready for the next day.
  • @TripleJ3 my brain is trying to panick also. My size 12's are getting tight and I was always a size 8 until the last 6 or 7 years, so I feel panick creeping in every morning when I put on my jeans. I refuse to go back to low calorie or extreme (low carb yuck!) diets. I will figure this out!
  • @kcmsmith0405 I agree with the slow weightloss being worth it. While on and off Weight Watchers over the years, self starvation, I obsessed constantly about food and next meals. I hated eating out or with family. I made myself and my husband miserable. And my weight never stayed at goal because it's impossible to stay…
  • Ok @heybales I'll unsync the fitbit. I've been having a hard time staying at my goal, but I'm just starting and easing into it. I've not been going too far over. I will calculate an average calorie output based on Fitbit. Thanks!
  • That's supposed to say MFP, my fitness pal.
  • I didnt take it as a put down, no worries! Im from the old school of training. In the 80s you were told to do reps of 12-15, 3 sets, always for women to tone up. So when i was looking around and saw 7-10 reps I considered that low. I never read anything about the 5x5s but i want to keep my muscles guessing so i intend to…
  • I think its important, at least for me, to have a clear goal so i dont waste a lot of time and effort on things that won't help me in the long run. I want to lose size, but i also want to be strong. I'd like to build up my shoulders because they are narrow. When I was sparring all the time and punching a bag I had great…
  • @Pocket__Cthulhu my workouts last 30 to 50 minutes. I just don't want to spend more time than that in the gym. I did tae kwon do for 12 years and although I loved it, it was 2-3 hours 5 nights a week and it was intense, sparring was an hour or longer of it. Kicks and bodyweight strength exercises most of the other hour. I…
  • Thank you @heybales, I'm valuing your input and looking for your replies to posts. I will keep this all in mind when I set up my next round. I do need the core exercises right now though (planks) as I squat or lunge enough weight to really help those areas and they need it. But as I go up in weight I will certainly pay…