I was told I didn't need to get my dog's ACLs (she tore both) repaired so we did conservative management instead. She was fine until a few years later when she developed severe arthritis in both knees. A different vet has since told me surgery should always be done but now it's too late for her. My dog weighs 57 lbs.
This past summer I did Insanity and ended up having my back spasm so hard after the first month it went out and I had to see a chiro for weeks. He told me my hamstrings were super tight that they affected my back. Since then, I'm been making sure I stretch my hamstrings pretty much every day and I haven't any other…
Ketchup! Heinz only.
Osmosis...if you're not drinking water your body needs to hold on to what it has to try to regulate the amount of electrolytes such as salt in your cells. If you do drink water your body has what it needs and doesn't have to try to store water for its processes.
1) potato chips dipped in cold applesauce 2) mac and cheese mixed with hot dogs and a can of green beans 3) mashed potatoes, corn, hot dogs and ketchup 4) rice krispies cereal with orange juice poured on instead of milk