

  • At the risk of prying, is there no way you can get any exercise? Even walking? Exercise doesn't just burn calories... it also kicks up your metabolism overall. And aside from the good advice about going to a doctor, only other thing I can suggest is to eat small meals and drink lots of water if you are hungry. But it…
  • I've read the advice for years and never followed it until the last three months: Drink Water!!! I have always had trouble drinking enough, and I'm using an app to remind me so that I get in 8-10 good sized glasses a day. I pee more, but it sure helps to keep your appetite in check! Now that I'm on the water I'm getting…
  • I started weight training almost ten years ago, and I am a committed gym rat now! I think it is very normal to feel intimidated and self-conscious when you start. I was for sure! But you start with adding some basic moves to your routine, and learn as you go, and if you stick with it you get comfortable and stop feeling…