

  • Baby steps. It takes a while to build yourself up to that level. Remember, that "reality" show is edited for TV. They are only showing you what looks good for ratings. DO NOT compare yourself to that, you are much better. Stick with building up your endurance, it's going to seem slow at first, but, one day, you will wake…
  • Hop back onto the weight loss lemme extend a hand to help you on up! I think all of us have been there, it is a slippery slope we fall down when we slack off. But, you caught yourself, and you are making your way back up it. Hang in there, you CAN do this. You did it before, and have faith that you can do…
  • I love warrior pose, I hate tree pose. My balance really sucks, so I have a hard time with that one!
  • count me in!!!! I did my workout and managed to stay 98 cal below my limit! Whoo hoo!! This extra weight will come off!
  • cmmoreland, I know how you feel. I think it is the time of the year that makes us all feel like that. It'll get better! oh yea, turkey burgers ROCK! I love them with red pepper flakes mixed in...YUMM-O!
  • Baby steps!! You can do this. Tomorrow is another day, and it will be better. We are all here to support you~
  • I am a HUGE fan of the Crunch fitness DVDs. They have a pretty wide variety, and most of them are good for beginners. They are reasonable priced, about 9.95 a DVD. I got most of mine off Ebay!
  • Thanks again everyone for your feedback. I have gotten some real good ideas that I am going to try! Thanks again
  • Thanks both the Chrisgd and Emdog24. I appreciate the feedback! Chrisgd, what kind of energy bars do you reccommend?? Emdog24, where do you find 100 cal packs of craisins?? Those sound yummy.
  • I found a couple good yogo videos from Crunch fitness. I like them, and they are great for toning. You won't burn a lot of calories, but it does really help to relax you, and the flexability is an added bonus. Try it, you may find out you love it!
  • I work an odd shift: 1030a-700p. My lunch break is at 1245. By the time I get home from work about about 745p, I am starving. I walk through the door and shove what ever I can get my hands on into my mouth. And most of it is not good food! Does anyone have some hearty snacks that will help combat this??? Thanks gang! Jenn
  • I just wanted to drop in and say hello. I am new to the site. Just started to get back on the weight loss wagon. I was doing really good for about 2 years, then I started school full time and I have a full time desk job, and having 3 kids on top of all that has cut into my being healthy state of mind, so now...all my hard…