

  • I need to limit my intake of sweets. Especially candy. That's my addiction so heres to limiting myself to 1 candy a week. It'll be good for me!! Good luck everyone!
  • How do I join? Would love to! This is such a fantastic idea! Please email me all the details! We can all keep eachother motivated! I've lost 14 lbs. So far and would like to lose at least another 10 lbs. If not 20 lbs. Keep me motivated everyone. And I'll do the same! :)
  • Thank you! i could use all the help that i can get!! i've tried a number of things to lose weight and nothing is seeming to work. I'm hoping this will be what will work for me! Trying to get my husband into it also!
    in new! Comment by littlemayo October 2011
  • Been having a hard time losing weight and i have tried everything nothings worked so i am giving this a try!! HOPING this will be what works for me!
  • I've been using my fitness for about 10days now and i LOVE it!
    in new! Comment by littlemayo October 2011