

  • Congrats on the baby! Also, remember... You did just have the baby and it will take a little bit before your body will even set back naturally. You can find some information on the internet, if not ask your doctor, but in all actually it does take a whole year before a woman's body is completely healed from the baby. If…
  • Hi and nice to meet you! I am new to the forums, but have been using this website for a little while. I really like it and it's simple and easy to use. I am sorry to hear about your Mom and will keep you in my prayers. However, this goes to show how strong you are and losing weight and eating healthy will be easy compared…
  • Thank you both for your comments! If either of you try the insanity, let me know how you like it. It is wonderful and I have had so much energy since I've been doing it and eating right. If you need the discs let me know I can copy them for you or try eBay. That is where I purchased a brand new set for like 80 bucks. Well,…