dbw1976 Member


  • 219.1 today
  • Today was 220.1 so still not making progress.
  • Today was 219.3 I made a list of 10 daily check steps to rate each day. The original idea that was suggested to me was a list of 5 items. It's hard to cut down. Here they are: 1. Daily Weigh-in 2. Met exercise goal 3. Logged food 4. Stayed within daily calorie guidelines 5. No more than one serving of chocolate candy (my…
  • Today was 220.8
  • Today's weight was 219.5
  • Back up at 219.3 I made a list of reasons I want to lose weight. I hope this will help with motivation to avoid snacking. My reasons (not in any particular order): 1. Help with the sleep apnea I was diagnosed with a few months ago. I am working with a dentist on an oral appliance, but perhaps just losing weight would help.…
  • Down to 214.7 today. LWW = 219.1 CWW = 214.7 Loss = 4.4 This week has been a good week in terms of discipline and eating healthy. Keep it up!!
  • 219.1 this morning, down from 223.5 a week ago. The last 10 days have bee good.
  • Checking in at 220.0 Have been stuck here for a couple months. At least I no longer seem to be gaining weight.
  • Congratulations! That's a tremendous accomplishment.
  • Trying to be good about logging food and exercise.
  • Well, it looks like I went AWOL and so has everyone else. I have slipped too much holiday food and then two cross-country road trips where I sat in the car and ate M&M rich trail mix. I take Costco trail mix and add dark chocolate M&M's. It's really good, but very caloric. My CWW is 220.2, back where I started from. My…
  • Checking in. LWW = 214.7 CWW = 213.8 Loss = 0.9 Small loss, but I will take it. Thanks for posting the chart again Horstbc.
  • Checking in. CWW = 214.7 LWW = 216.0 Loss = 1.3 At least I’m going in the right direction this week. I had my annual physical today and the doctor said I should aim for losing about 20 pounds. I guess that makes my goal 195#. I think I would still like to get below 190.
  • Horstbc, nice loss! I will have to check into Lose It.
  • Checking in LWW = 212.3 CWW = 216.0 Gain = 3.7 Too much celebrating summer vacation and retirement. I need to remember to make better food choices.
  • This group has sort of died out. I am going to start logging in again and will try to post my weight and comments once a week.
  • Checking in LWW = 207.4 CWW = 212.3 Gain = 4.9 See what happens when I stop logging food. Anyway, summer vacation is here and I plan to get better about my diet and tracking food intake.
  • I have continued to be good about limiting most of my eating. LWW = 210.5 CWW = 207.4 Loss = 3.1 Trying to figure out ways to keep it up now that the wound in my mouth has healed and I can go back to eating whatever.
  • Great job of losing weight on your trip Horstbc. The last week has been good for me. I had some minor oral surgery which has forced me to curtail some eating. I am hoping it gets me moving in the right direction. LWW = 211.6 CWW = 210.5 Loss = 1.1
  • @Horstbc - that sounds like an excellent plan, one step at a time. CWW = 211.6 LWW = 215.3 Loss = 3.7
  • -8F is cold, Brr. Not a good week for me. I was inconsistent at logging food and had a lot of pizza last night so my weight is up. I did manage to keep on track with my workouts. CWW = 215.3 LWW = 212.3 Gain of 3.0
  • Hey Tim, good to see you back in this group. I'm sorry to hear about your bad news. I agree with Horstbc that the home gym sounds great. @Horstbc - the HIIT workouts went well this week. I did all three days I planned to. I am doing 20 secs on; 10 seconds off. Squats, jumping jacks, pushups, and lunges. Twice through those…
  • Last = 213.4 Current = 212.6 Loss = 0.8 Interval training is a great way to get in shape. I need to do more of it. I have a wind trainer attachment for my road bike and I tend to slog out 40 minutes at one constant speed effort level. I like to read while I am pedaling as it makes the time go by faster. I am going to…
  • Hi HorstBC, thanks for picking up the chart. My info is correct. I think you can adjust my current goal to 190 instead of 180. If I can get to 190, then I will reevaluate and see if getting to 180 is worth it. Sorry to hear about your bout with COVID. It sounds like it makes for a hard time to get any exercise. CW = 213.4…
  • Checking in. CWW = 212.7 Last weight on MFP was 205.7 Gain of 7 pounds since August. I have tried NOOM and a program through my employer's health insurance called Omada. I think I just need to get back to daily logging all my food and being aware of what I am eating. I was on this discussion group for about a year without…
  • Checking in: LWW = 207.7 CWW = 205.4 Loss = 2.3 Lowest I've been in about 18 months. Hopefully I will stay on the correct track.
  • I want to thank everyone for sharing. This has been excellent motivation for me.
  • Checking in: LWW = 209.1 CWW = 207.7 Loss = 1.4
  • Checking in LWW = 208.7 CWW = 209.1 Gain = 0.4