KiloTango Member


  • You're not 'waitress' but you're not just a cook, either! Let him cook a few times a week, and teach him stuff you can both enjoy. Though people are right about calorie needs being different. It really depends on what healthy food you're actually eating, and cutting out salt altogether for someone not on a diet is really…
  • I do the 15 minute 'fitness ladder' from the Hacker Diet, it's only short so you can fit it in every day (I do mine very first thing in the morning before I leave my room). Going to start augmenting it with some other short-but-intense stuff like rowing and body-weight exercise intervals. That way I'm always getting the…
  • It's important to remember you should lose weight because YOU want to, not because other people have a problem with your body! It'll make you healthier, give you more energy and if it's what you need to feel good about yourself it'll give you confidence too. Do it for yourself, not anyone else. :) It's always hard when you…
  • It's set to 1lbs a week already and gives me a goal of 1,660. So yeah, I guess I need to set a custom one.
  • I calculated my BMR... and it's higher than the goal calories MFP is giving me. (MFP says I want a net intake of 1600, but their BMR calc says my BMR is 1,731 @_@) Which says to me they should check that out, because I bet there's other people like me who are undershooting their BMR... This is just confusing.
  • Thanks for the advice guys! I'd read some of them but was a bit in denial I think. I feel like I don't get a lot of exercise, but I'm also concious of damaging myself so I'm building up (when I'm further along, fitness ladder will be 15 mins intensive exercise first thing in the morning every single day, and I want to…