Thanks for sharing :wink:
I like The Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout DVD with Jillian Michaels.
Congratulations on the loss :)
Fruit Loop
Get 1 dumbell or anything you can get a good grip on like 5 lbs or as heavy as you can handle. While the weight is in both hands lift it from your shoulders (the dumbell should be behind your head) to above your head. I am trying to find a good demonstration video for you ;) Hope this helps…
Thank you very much :happy: I am looking at it now. Can't wait!
HI. I just started on MFP a week ago, tomorrow. I was just wondering what all of you are talking about? I would love to be able to run a 5K; in fact that is something I have wanted to be able to do for years. If you could fill me in I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks :)
I have heard of this before, but had completely forgotten about it. Where was the marathon? What kind of surface is it on? I am curious because I at one point thought I would like to do the barefoot running and have wanted to complete a marathon. The only problem is when I was in high school I got 2nd and 3rd degree burns…
I don't know what a minimizing bra is? Sad because I work putting clothes away and bra's are a part of that. LOL. I am inbetween sizes so I think that's part of the reason why it's difficult to find something that works. I either wear a 38 C or 36 D and am really not used to being this big chested. I, of course had to have…
Thanks girls :) I will try the smaller sports bra and another on top of that. I thought I was gonna have to tape (ace bandage) these puppies down, but maybe this will work. LMBO.
Any doctor I have ever been to has told me to expect some weight gain when taking "the pill" or "the shot". They never really gave me an explanation as to why, but I never really asked either...
Thank you very much :smile:
I know exactly where you're coming from :D I used to be super skinny (probably very close to being under weight), but if you looked at my blood work you would have thought I was a super morbidly obese person. All I would eat was baccon and anything that once breathed life from it's mouth. If it was good for me it wasn't in…
I have tried detox pills before and they did not work for me, period. As soon as I start eating heaIthier (fruits and veggies) is when my body begins to detox naturally. After a few days it doesn't appear that my body is in detox mode any longer, but I am sure it is better than feeding myself some of the awful things I had…
I totally feel like a fish out of water. I had no idea what I was doing when I was younger; I started to experiment with "sexual fantasies" around 7,8 or maybe 9. No it wasn't with a guy... You can take that how you want and you are probably correct ;) Maybe I was just early or something. I never had a "talk" with either…