starnca Member


  • Try looking up Ribollita soup recipes. They are chicken broth based with kale, savoy cabbage, potato, navy beans, celery, etc. You can add or remove ingredients to suit your taste since it's kind of a one-pot deal. We make it on a Sunday so it's easy to take for lunches and very filling/satisfying.
  • Rick Springfield as Dr. Noah Drake on General Hospital.....dreammmmmy to the end. Even if he is a freak!:love:
  • Completed P90X and you can plan to be in pain every day for 3 months! I never used the pull up bar but my husband did. Do it with someone if you can because you will have many days where you just don't want to do the workout. You'll love some and hate others. Keep at it though~ you'll be glad you did! I used the rubber…
  • Be cautious of grapes....they are low in fat but very high in sugar and calories. Try carrot sticks so they both fill you up and satisfy the crunch factor. Low salt peanuts are higher in calorie but you can eat less of them to get filled up. Just portion them out as they are easy to pop in your mouth and you quickly lose…