brookehutcheson28 Member


  • Having a goal of 105 may be reaching a little high. I am 24, and around the same height as you with a medium frame, so it sounds like we are close to the same size. I lost a lot of weight in high school and even in the low 120's I looked sickly and scrawny. When I was in the 140's was probably when I looked the…
  • I had the same issue a while back....went on to visit my college buddies and spiraled out of control for over two months. It was this endless cycle of resolving to "do better tomorrow" and then beating myself up when I screwed up again. I realized that all my new, cute two sizes smaller clothes were not fitting as well,…
  • This site has a fairly accurate body frame calculator. You want to set your goals based on your frame size. For example, for someone with a "large" frame, it may unreasonable to expect to weight 105 lbs. This really helped me to set my goals. Also, its good to meet…
  • It sounds like you are taking some steps in the right direction. Sometimes, as much as we want to lose weight, its just hard to actually start. Getting off the couch and putting down the junk food was one of the hardest moves I've ever made...but its been SO worth it! I agree with all of the things the others are posting…