I agree with those who say a low carb, high protein diet is a good idea. It really works for me. I also have other endocrine issues, esp. hypothyroidism, and I am intolerant of gluten, so my diet consists of protein and green veg and salad, the occasional banana and maybe a small bowl of gluten free oats once in a while.…
Thank you for the flowers! And I totally agree. Self-love is where it's at! :) :) :)
Things I like about being overweight: 1. I like myself and I like my body no matter what weight I am! We are all different and lovable, big or small! 2. I like not thinking about food all the time. 3. I like it that certain people leave you alone when you're not model slim. 4. I like surprising people who think I must be…
Another PCOS-er here!