

  • Glad someone else has mentioned this - went to my first RPM class this morning (at 6:45am - go me!!) and am now feeling the after-effects!!! :sad: Tip for anyone going for the first time - get there early and make sure your bike is set up comfortably - I got there late, couldn't adjust the handlebars and nearly fell over…
  • Genius!! Thanks for the tip - sounds lush
  • Welcome back! I only joined myself this week and it's encouraging to know that people get such good results - 30lb in 2 months is fantastic. What's the aim this time?
  • Was doing well yesterday until my boyfriend's mum baked some rhubarb crumble and I gave in!! Don't even want to think about the calorie content, so that was yesterday's logging spoilt! MUST TRY HARDER!!! I am doing well today =)
  • Hi I'm new too. Hoping to lose a bit of weight of weight before my wedding next year. Started to let things slip over the past 18 months. This site is genius just what I need to stop me cheating and to give me some motivation. Nice to know we're all in the same boat!