

  • That IS exciting!! Way to go! Sometimes we wonder why we bother to keep this going, and then we have a NSV like that. We realize how much we are improving our lives (as cheesy as that sounds). Congratulations!
  • Thanks for the encouraging words and suggestions! I am 99% sure I'm not drinking enough water. I know that, and I try to drink more everyday. Some days are better than others. I will continue trying to add water. I need to change up my exercise options, like y'all said. I work in an office (sitting a lot), and I wonder if…
  • I sometimes fluctuate as much as 3 pounds!! It is really frustrating, but I just don't "worry" about it unless it stays that way for a week. I try to only weigh in the mid-day, when I haven't eaten or drunk anything in a while (and usually when I'm hungry is best for me). I've found that first thing in the morning, I weigh…