

  • I've had 6 months of CBT, keeping diaries of my thoughts and actions, forcing myself to do x y and z. In the end it tries to change thought patterns by changing behaviours, but if it doesn't address the underlying cause of the depression then it can't make it go away. I found that it left me trying to put the daily mask…
  • I'm willing, if I wasn't I wouldn't be here. I just don't know how.
  • I was forced to 'deal' with the depression thing when my partner dragged me to the doctors 2 and a half years ago after I nearly drank a solution of potassium Cyanide at work (I was an analytical chemist). Since then I've been through counselling that has told me to change behaviours which make no difference because as far…
  • Hi hon, It's been a long time since I went to the gym regularly, hopefully this will help me get back into it. However, I used to go a lot, and I'd always have a plan, a sort of circuit of what I wanted to do. If you know what you want to do before you get there, you're more likely to push yourself to achieve it, rather…