primalkiwi Member


  • I eat them for breakfast - usually just a can of sardines in water (not so strong in flavour that way) then I make a paleo 'tomato sauce' by thinning a little tomato paste with a wee bit of water, mix it through the sardines and plenty of freshly ground black pepper on top.
  • I have similar symptoms to you (no cysts), have regular periods etc but was still diagnosed with PCOS through full tests. Not everyone will present with the same symptoms. I've had it since I was 19 (I'm 37). A few years back I lost a lot of weight with Weight Watchers points system (and a lot of gym hours). My symptoms…
  • My favourite is an old classic - really good steak on the bbq with a primal mushroom cream sauce (awesome amount of fat in it!!). Other faves include a taco salad with lots of avocado and sashimi (pref salmon).
  • That has to be the best NSV I've had the pleasure of reading on here! You rockstar!! I'm envious that you have a paleo doc who understands where you are coming from. Here's to a long, healthy paleo life with no more doctor visits:-)
  • Hi - I have PCOS too. I was lucky enough to be diagnosed by a doctor who also has it and she was wonderful with her suggestions. She suggested I eat low carb, a diet that is suggested by many in the medical profession as a way of balancing hormones and helping to control symptoms. I eat a primal diet and have noticed a big…
  • I know how you feel. I sold my house and moved back in with my parents to save money and had similar problems. In the end we sat down and I explained that it was great how they were always supportive of my weight loss efforts but I really needed a bit of help from them to achieve my health goals and the best way they could…
  • If your husband is in school I'm guessing (from my own experience so please excuse my assumption) that his day is not as long as yours? Could he possibly do the morning and evening routine with the dogs? That might give you an extra half hour anyway :-) Maybe on your non kettlebell days you could not do the evening walk…
  • Cheddar, feta, brie, tomato paste, celery, peppers, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, parsnips, lettuce, spring mix, spring onions, pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, butter, eggs, olives, rocket fuel sauce, about 100 mustard variations, homemade mayo and vinaigrette, beer, tamari, every variation of thai curry paste ever created,…
  • yes I find I don't need anywhere near as much sleep as when I ate SAD. Like you I find I go to bed later (around 10 -11pm) and wake earlier (around 5:30am) but I don't usually sleep all of that time. Last night I had 3 and a quarter hours sleep (this probably occurs 2-3 times a week) and I've worked a physically hard day…
  • I've always suffered with the winter blues and some mild depression - I eat primal and found I sailed through last winter feeling great!
  • the taping I did looked pretty much like this except there was also a strip running along the inside of the arch to the heel.
  • I feel your pain! When mine was at its worst I was standing for 9 hours a day at work on a hard floor. The pain nearly killed me. I often fell over in the mornings when I got out of bed because of the pain and my feet were all scrunched up. Moving around eased it out slowly but didn't stop the pain. Like you I also have…
  • What an incredible transformation! Congratulations on sticking with it through the tough times - super inspiring. I also have PCOS so know how difficult it is :-)
  • This link may help - 4 weeks worth of paleo recipes and they post their budget. Lots of variety and plenty of low carb meals.
  • It should last longer than 4 days - use the freshest eggs you can find. Mine lasts around 7 days (if it isn't snuffled up!). I just try to make sure it's used before the expiry date listed on the egg carton. Perhaps you could try making a half recipe. Maybe just beat your egg first so it's well blended then use half of…
  • Strychnine7 - looks like a great recipe, cheers for sharing :-)
  • All your choices sound wonderful :-) Like others have said previously, take a few classes in different things and see what works for you. I started off doing a law degree and ended up completing in anthropology! At 37 I still don't really know what I want to do but dietitian/nutrition is a very strong interest field for…
  • Some great advice here. You already have so much happening in your life that adding in a change in the way you eat is a big ask especially when you would have to get home and cook. Maybe take this next month until your treatment is finished as a chance to experiment with paleo without trying to be perfect about it. It…
  • Great thread - lets hope it is made sticky! Primal Body Primal Mind by Nora T Gedgaudas also although not entirely primal/paleo as there is a lot of info on sprouting grains etc I find Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon excellent too especially for recipes for offal, fermented foods etc
  • I pretty much use Weleda products for everything Their range covers everything from medicines to toothpaste, deodorant, moisturisers etc. I don't really use a lot of stuff anyway but my one can't-live-without is Weleda Sea Buckthorn Body Lotion - I use it on my face, best thing ever!
  • Well done with staying with the paleo. I've found it has been a huge help in lifting my mood and motivation. I can't see your diary but would suggest you also try and get plenty of fat into your diet. I can't locate the studies off the top of my head but research has shown low fat diets are often implicated in depression…
  • An inspiring transformation in such a short time! Well done :-)
  • Started my 3rd W30 today. I'm 'cheating' this time though as I'm going to record / weigh :-)
  • Just dug my spinning wheel out again for winter and bought myself a loom. Passionate organic gardener - I have 250 square metres of vege garden. Not really a hobby but I also enjoy scything - mowing at dawn when the world is waking up and the sun is rising is pure magic. Study tends to take up a lot of time - currently…
  • Pretty self explanatory - chosen lifestyle plus where I'm from (New Zealand). I wanted my name to be something anyone else could easily pick up on and to be quite clear about what I do so I could easily be identified by other primal/paleos :-)
  • You superstar! Those numbers are fantastic, well done. I need to refer everyone back to this post who ever comments on how this way of life is unhealthy. You've proved them all wrong, rock on!!
  • On days I can't face the thought of another round of eggs or have no leftovers (I try to make sure there are some) I often have something simple like canned tuna mixed up with some avocado, jalapeno etc or a can of sardines, maybe a green salad with olives, feta etc. I usually have to make myself eat something given that…
  • SMarie10 - I'm the same. Went on a first date the other night and I offered to pay. He replied 'no that's my job' so I slipped off to the bathroom and paid on the way. When he went to pay and was told it was already sorted by the waiter I think he was quite chuffed - I don't think his ex ever paid so it felt nice to do…
  • I have 2 big freezers full of homegrown beef and a vege garden, plus: - eggs from the neighbour - olive oil from another neighbour - chicken - avocados - canned tuna, salmon and sardines - butter - balsamic vinegar - vast quantities of herbs and spices - coconut cream
  • You're doing well so don't give up now just when you're really getting into the swing of it! this may help: Until you are fully fat adapted and burning fat for fuel I would try staying away from the nuts, nut butters, apples, chocolate,…