melodyg Member


  • I've been here off and on, have 100+ pounds to lose, and absolutely need some support and friendship with other people on the same journey!
  • Would love to hear what you thought of room. I am needing a little more accountability and individual encouragement than mfp has right now... Hoping one I get back on track more I can do it on my own better! (Ive used mfp before and loved it!)
  • 500 calories for exclusively breastfeeding babies, as mentioned above, and the standard I've heard is 50-100 extra calories per feeding session for babies getting solids. I would only aim to lose about a pound a week while bf'ing, so if you add back in the extra calories for bf'ing then you are really trying to eat at…
  • Yum! I threw most of those veggie in an omelet this morning - this sounds like a great way to start tomorrow!
  • Just a tad over 5' here and I'm aiming for 130 as well... that is a LONG way away so I'll see when I get there how that is. I really can't imagine wanting to go much lower than that though, especially if I am more fit than I was last time I weighed 130.
  • I'm close to where you are and pretty sure we are about the same height as well, judging from your ideal weight range. Sending a friend request. I'm doing Whole30 this month but normally I'm not as strict as all of that. :) I'm overall aiming for something that will work for me long term and not a "diet". It is definitely…
  • It definitely seems overwhelming money-wise, but here's a few things I am doing to cut costs, in case it helps you too: I am doing organic when I can (which is rarely, but organic kale was on sale for 99 cents/bunch this week!) but buying free-range eggs and grass-fed meat is completely out of my budget so I'm sticking to…
  • I'll post this on the group too but I just made this ahead for supper tomorrow night and it looks great! I used Swanson's Cooking Stock for the broth and Hunt's tomato paste (ingredients: tomatoes) for the tomato paste. We canned tomatoes last summer so I used those for the canned tomatoes. Check your spices too, but…
  • Thank you so much for this. :) Off to check out the new group!
  • I'd love a group too! I've been more conscious of what I eat. I tried coffee with just a little evaporated milk in it yesterday (it was okay, but I think I'll just stick to my flavored hot teas that I can drink without anything in them!) I've been eating Whole30 for breakfast the past couple of days (eggs fried in coconut…
  • Well, that is frustrating. I am going with friends and didn't want to be "that person" on the first day of a new diet. I guess I have to be!
  • I love the taste of coconut, but can't deal with the texture of shredded coconut. I also don't like nuts in breads or brownies, although they are fine eaten alone, in ice cream, or in cereal. It's some kind of texture thing or mixing textures thing. And I love the taste of blackberry but can't deal with the seeds in…
  • I haven't completed the first week, just planned recipes for the first week. I don't know about the OP, but I am starting 1/2 because my son's birthday is on 1/1! :) Although now I just made plans to go to IHOP on the 2nd as part of his birthday celebration too, so that should be interesting... I may be starting this at…
  • I have about 100 to lose as well (I haven't weighed recently to know my exact weight). Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I'm interested. Just checked in on here after a while away to see if anyone else was doing Whole 30. This will be the first time I do it. I got so burned out on measuring food and tracking calories last time I was on MFP... hoping that just having a list of foods to eat will be easier. Meal planning and finding crock pot…
  • I usually divide what I use to cook by the number of servings. For example, if I use a tablespoon of olive oil to pan fry a pound of fish or chicken, then I count in a 4 oz portion of meat and 1/4 tbsp of olive oil for my meal. I also have an olive oil mister that I use for cooking scrambled eggs or similar and typically…
  • Agreeing with a little bit of really good chocolate. Sometimes I'll just do a cup of hot chocolate or hot tea with a little honey also.
  • I cannot wait to be able to make this post. Even though I'm doubting right now that I'll ever be able to!
  • Wow. I've thought of looking into editing as a career option as well. Now I'm not sure if reading and correcting mistakes all day would be aggravating or a good way of getting paid for what I already do! :)
  • I do not have diabetes but I am following a lower-carb diet for hypoglycemia (basically a diabetes diet) and would love to be MFP friends. I agree that you should probably stick to the 1500 calorie diet, especially if you have quite a bit to lose.
  • "From scratch" for me means using mostly fresh (or frozen) vegetables and fresh meat, or for baking using flour/sugar/butter instead of a mix. It means mixing up my own seasonings from the spices instead of buying pre-mixed taco seasoning, for example. I do often use canned beans or canned (no salt added) tomatoes, though,…
  • I agree that you are just barely overweight, if at all. It is my understanding that BMI calculations are iffy at best, and particularly as you get to the weights for those of us who are shorter! (I'm just over 5', and am aiming for an ultimate goal of 130... maybe decide for a bit less if I ever get there).
  • I love raspberry vinaigrette. Also, Wishbone makes Salad Spritzers, which works really well -- lots of flavor for a few spritzes and a few calories! I just bought ranch in that for the times that I really want salad dressing (I often just do lots of fruit or veggies for flavor too!).
  • Greek yogurt with fruit or in a smoothie, peanut butter and whole wheat toast, cottage cheese and fruit
  • You are welcome to look at my food diary. I was recently diagnosed with hypoglycema *and* PCOS, and I don't know if the low-carb diet I was put on is meant to treat one or both of them (though I'm guessing the hypoglycemia, since my doctor never even mentioned PCOS to me, just billed insurance for it!). The aim is to keep…
  • I love Aldi! There are a few items I wish they carried that they don't, but overall they are a great place to stock up on basics. I don't always get their meats, but only because I shop a lot of manager's specials and sales at the other grocery stores. The Aldis here have much better customer service than their competitors…
  • I try to find calorie counts for something similar at another restaurant. If that doesn't work, then I try to list out the ingredients used.
  • Haven't read all of the replies yet! 1.) Cottage Cheese - Yum! Wish it wasn't so high in sodium though! 2.) Greek Yogurt - I still don't *love* it.... but I finally discovered that Fage brand is (to me) far and away better than other brands of greek yogurt. Bonus is it is all natural pronounceable ingredients! I do like…
  • 1. Nonfat (skim) milk 2. Tomatoes, any kind 3. Strawberries (which I apparently ate a LOT of during the summer because I don't think I've had any in a couple of weeks!)
  • I agree with others that adding in avocado, dairy, and nuts is an easy way to boost calories. I also wanted to suggest that it may be easier for you to just focus on increasing activity/strength training than trying to limit calories. I'm saying this as someone who is just over 5' and was just over 100 pounds in college...…