

  • Me too for 5 by St Patty's. Of course I've gained two of the 10 I've lost, so 7 by St Pattys
  • Me too on the cheating. My honey brought home Teenburgers for my Teens as a reward for hard studying for exams. Momma got one too. Rather than punishing myself, I REALLY enjoyed it. If you're gonna cheat, might as well make it something you like. Did an extra 20 minutes on the treadmill and it's all good. Thanks for the…
  • I'm on 1200 too. Kind of plateauing right now on the scale, but with the exercise, my clothes fit better. I think I'm going to toss my scale :smile: Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • First post for me - yay! I found that when I started being HONEST with my journal, I had missed a lot of entries. The trips to the pantry and having "just a cracker" REALLY add up (hundreds of calories!). Good luck and hang in there!
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