Dee81184 Member


  • Hey, yeah you def. should up your calories! I think you just hit a plauteau now and so now your not loosing anything. Youve gone a long way and have lost a lot already. Your body is just used to your routine and needs something different probably. I would switch up your gym routine a little bit as well. Changing things up…
  • Have you tried packing a bigger lunch and eating it later during the day? I work till 5 some days during the week, so sometimes I will push my lunch back and eat at about 2 or 3, and then I will go to the gym after work about 6. After the gym I will have a protein shake and then some sort of snack, which is usually like…
  • GW- 130 CW-134 SW-153 Height-5'5 Age-27 Sex-Female
  • I need my sleep in order to function fully at work, LOL. So during the week Im in bed by 9:30, 10 the latest. Up at 6am.
  • The reply above me is right on point with the correct response, so listen to him!!!!!!
  • Hey welcome!!! I joined this site in like October I think, through a friend. At that time I decided I needed to loose some weight. Before I joined this I had already started loosing a little weight and I had dropped about 5 pounds or so. So far I have lost almost 20 pounds far, and right now im aiming for about 5 more.…
  • I think by joining you took the first great step!!!! Someone had told me to join to help with counting calories and it helped soooo much!!!! I was able to drop pounds so fast without even adding in a lot of a workout. Once I added in a workout it helped a lot!!! I still have actually been lazy with the working out, but…