searavyn Member


  • I love to do arm exercises because my arms really show results pretty quickly. (Nothing else on my body does, lol!) I do 3 sets of my arm exercises, starting with 15-18 reps of an exercise at a lower weight (say, 5 lbs to start) and then going to the next higher weight for another set of 10-12 reps, and the next higher…
    in Bingo Wings Comment by searavyn May 2014
  • Hi all! My name is Kim and I'd love to have folks to interact with on MFP. I lost 30 pounds about 2 years ago using this website and app - unfortunately, I've gained ten of those pounds back, so I truly want to get back into the habit of logging my food and exercise and making those better choices again. I live in…
  • I am in the same boat, Leah! I love to drink sweet tea, and since I started adding to my food diary I've realized just how many of my calories are coming from that one thing alone! One day I drank 840 calories of sweet tea - 840!! So I've started only drinking sweet tea at home (my husband makes the BEST!) and drinking…
  • Very awesome!! My weakness is chocolate chip cookies, so that would have been a toughie for me. Perhaps in 30 days I'll be able to say the same thing you did! Inspiration for me, thank you!!
  • I just started running myself, but I really enjoy it! I'm alternating walk/run segments still, but progressing nonetheless. My goal is to run a 5K next year; not sure when it will be. I love to see the calories added back to the bank after I exercise... too much fun! :-)