

  • If you don't cook, pick up a cookbook aimed at vegetarian college kids. They have really good and REALLY easy recipes that can be done with moderate amounts of ingredients, equipment, and time!
  • I have been vegetarian since I was 6 (17 years) and so I've learned a thing or two about ways to make it easier, especially when dining out, which is when i have the hardest time. Don't know how long you've been at it, but here's some pretty basic tips: -If you live in a decent sized city, there are bound to be at least a…
  • I just started it today! So far (about 7 hours later), I feel pretty OK, but I know I'm going to hurt in the morning! Just keep reminding yourself how amazing you are for working through it and concentrate on the goal ahead and how thrilled and fulfilled you will feel!! It's a HARD workout!! Congratulations! Just keep at…
  • thank you so much everyone!! i feel very encouraged already!
  • wow! you look fantastic! my goal is about the same (starting out at 160, wanting to end up at 125), so this is a huge boost for me! how did you go about it? any tips would help!!x
  • I know how you feel! I've just started too, never having done anything really in the dieting or exercise arena. 40 pounds lost is my goal as well, so I know how overwhelming it seems now! Hopefully we can motivate each other!-Kate