

  • So, there with you. I need to be more motivated and supported by people! It's nice, but I need to step up my game. I've been on this website since about September and have not stuck with this enough. Definitely need support and encouragement!
  • Yes, that's a good idea. I just feel like snacking at night is so bad. Especially if you go to bed soon after. The calories just sit there then. That's my only issue. It makes me uneasy.
  • How do you eat gluten and dairy free? Thanks!
  • Haha thank you girl! I added you. Definitely could use come encouragement and accountability! That would be a huge help!
  • My biggest problem is consistency. I eat really well all day and blow it at night. Since I am eating gluten-free my meals are either fruit, veggies, good carbs, and good protein. But at night I'll eat popcorn and candy. Or over eat even on good food. I think I just get frustrated and at the end of the day say screw it.…
  • I am 5'4 and would like to loose 40-ish pounds by summer. I've lost faith in myself. I have lost 20lbs, but have gained half back. I'm losing hope. It's hard for me to stay motivated and consistent. Need help! :)