

  • Edit - Now that I look at last weeks diary, I really didn't do all that bad. If having a skinny sugar free vanilla latte ONCE is going to destroy my diet then I might as well quit. Wednesday was the only other day where I ate a few goodies, which is ok if done moderately, which I did AND I stayed within my calories for the…
  • I've been on this journey for um, more than 1.5 yrs and have come a very long way (-90 lbs) so yes, I'm very aware it's not a race and my lifestyle has changed for the better in so many ways. I haven't been at this weight since high school so for a while my planned worked but now its not and I needed some help to figure…
  • I weigh-in first thing in the morning after I pee, naked, always. I usually eat better during the week then the weekends are good but not great. For some reason I think I can get away with it but I can't. When I say net calories that means some days my full calories are more like 1700-1900 then minus my exercise cals for…
  • These are all great suggestions and it's sad that your co-workers can't support you. How about this one...I work for a major food company that makes cereal, cookies, crackers, chips that is always in the office at all times! Very hard to resist!! Especially when new products come out then I have to try them. Most days I do…