

  • weighin in today at 208!!! Down 4lbs since our first weigh in!!! This is probably my first post here I really can't keep up with all the post, wtg girls!!! But I just wanted to pass on my info. I need to start on these challenges and get my butt into gear to exercise!! I really have only been losing this weight so far by…
  • Hi Melissa I'll join ya on that STG of 190 by march 3rd!!! I would just love to get under 200. My son's birthday is April 4th and I hope to get there by then and come June 6th, my birthday I would LOVE to meet my 170 goal....ahhhh goals goals goals....
  • Hello My name is Katie I'm 26 and live near Portland, Oregon. I am a mother to a 1.5 year old little boy who is the love of my life!! I'm here to just stay motivated and make new friends with whom I can keep motivated as well. I've always been the bigger girl with the skinny friends, I'm starting out at 225 with a current…
  • Im a newbie to the site, would like to join if not too late SW 225 CW 212 GW 175