magdaleneg Member


  • Assuming that you're putting in the same amount of energy into both strokes, you're actually burning more calories doing breast stroke. The reason why is because it's less natural for your body to do those movements than it is to do freestyle. Though it may not feel like that because there is a more consistent and easier…
  • I don't know much about meds, but... You said that you've been swimming more than regular lately so your shoulder may just be slightly overused. You can still do your workouts but just do things that avoid using your shoulder. Do you have a paid of fins? Put them on and swim with them to relieve the stress on your upper…
  • I put flax seeds in almost everything I eat. And I devour pears regularly :s
  • Thank you everyone for your input :) Generally speaking, I'm usually over my protein goals, which is surprising since I don't eat much meat. . . I will however try some chile, mmmmm. Also, I have been fighting through the hunger, but I feel like I'm mistreating my body sometimes by depriving it. I'm hoping that it will…
  • Hello there, the question depends on the intensity level you're putting into the swim and on your swimming background. That is, do you have a strong swimming background and are therefore able to swim efficiently or are you a beginner and often feel like you're fighting through it? If it's the ladder than you're in luck;…
  • Hi Group, I'm new here but LOVE the sound of this challenge. To the end of January, since there's only a week-ish left in December, my distance goal is 45km. WooHoo!
  • I have the same problem. It's mostly willpower, as people have mentioned BUT I do find that natural black licorice really helps to suppress my cravings. Maybe that's worth a shot?!