

  • I love the wine advice! I might just try it everyday!
  • Are your clothes starting to fit differently? I'm back at my original weight that I was a couple of years ago, but my clothes from those days fit so much better now than they did back then. Which means even though I'm the same weight, I have more muscle now but I am smaller than I was.
  • Oh yes, spaghetti squash!
  • One side dish I just found are the Kashi or Seeds of Change bag that you just pop in the microwave. They are so yummy and are made out of whole grains and other good for you items. Though they can be expensive. I'd stay away from the white rice and mashed potatoes. Way too starchy! Try some other grains. I love cous cous…
  • I have never done what you are doing, but the constant testing kills the love for teaching! You somehow need to find away to cut the testing and just do the teaching. Maybe once a week? Spend the rest of the time doing just plain learnin' and teachin'! I always told my parents that they should believe one third of what…
  • Thanks everyone for your advice! I'm already feeling better about it and know that I can control it! Go Nuggets!
  • Hello all, I'm taking my husband to a basketball playoff game tonight for his birthday! It should be fun, but I have no idea what I can eat there that is okay. Any suggestions? I know I'll have at least a couple of beers so there goes all my calories and my money! I've gotta eat something.....
  • My husband is a guitar geek :glasses: and has some suggestions: Rodrigo y Gabriella (any) The Derek Trucks Band - Afro Blue, Bock to Bock, Elvin, Sierra Leone John Scofield - Boozer, Jeep on 35, Kubrick Johnny A. - Oh Yeah Hope you like some of them! Enjoy!
  • I like Diet Dr. Pepper and the Coke Zero isn't bad, diet Hanson's are okay, especially the tangerine lime one. Though now I find I can barely get through a whole can of pop any more. You just don't crave it or like it as much after awhile.
  • I got sucked in at a Sweet Tomato Salad Buffet place! Yes, it was my fault: the cheese bread, soups and yes, dessert!
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