
  • I agree with everyone. It sounds like you have been beaten down emotionally, which is going to create some mental roadblocks as well. You are BEAUTIFUL. YOU need to know that. Weight loss is something to do for YOU and not for anyone else. Empower yourself to accomplish your goals and be who you want to be. That may not be…
    in My Story Comment by DOVE437 March 2014
  • Thank you Everyone who added positive feedback and suggestions :)
  • Thanks for the tips! I do love eggs. mmmm. And almonds, though my braces don't. grrrr. hahaha. I've done a lot of these races before, and Warrior Dashes, and 10k's, 10 mile Park to Park, numerous 5k's. This Spartan Sprint is only 4 miles. Granted 2 miles was really really hard 2 weeks ago, I just know I won't be prepared…
  • I have hypothyroidism and am pre-diabetic. I've always struggled with my weight and my family has a lot of issues. My cholesterol is through the roof and has been since I was 21 so I've been conscious of food for a long time. Eating has never been a problem for me, and I've never been really excited about it. Quite frankly…
  • I own both, Idina's. :) We pre ordered it through because you get 4 lithographs with it, and my 5 year old daughter is going crazy because we haven't gotten it yet. My son (7) also loves the movie but rolls his eyes every time his sister starts singing "Let it Go" and she's been running around with her Anna…
    in Frozen Comment by DOVE437 March 2014
  • Excellent :)
  • THANK YOU!!! I'm also a slow runner. In fact, you would beat me :) My fastest 5k was finished at 34:56; under 35 min! Yay!!!! That was my goal. While I'd *like* to be quicker, I'm much happier finishing my long runs feeling accomplished and not like I'm going to pass out. The longest I've gone is 10 miles, so Cheers to the…
  • I splurge! I think you have to. We're human, not perfect, and frankly there are just some things we love. I think the trick is moderation and frequency. I let myself have dark chocolate once a month (as a female I'm pretty sure God created my body to demand it!) And when I need a splurging day, like I had a really, really,…
  • I'm also curious, if you feell the relationship is over, why don't you just end it now and move on with your health and life? Take control of yourself and your body either way. YOU are the only one who controls what goes into your body. :)
  • I'm not great with recipes since my husband does all the cooking, but I always make a rule of thumb to eat only half of what is on my plate. And something a friend did was she would pre make all of her meals and store them in tupperware, then take them with her. So when she was at work or school, she already had her meals,…
  • I have recently (2 weeks ago) been put on 2 pills to assist is helping me loose weight. For me, this has been a life saver. So, I would say if your Dr is suggesting it, then do some research. But if you are considering something over the counter, I would avoid it. Before anyone attacks me, let me share. I was on weight…
  • When it is nice outside I will run using the podcast from (nice as in no rain or extreme hear). Recently I started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and I LOVE it! It works me really hard and has modifications if you need it. Both of these can be done in about 30 minutes and no need to drive anywhere.