Joyfuliz Member


  • Hello Ann --- I just read your comments about insomnia. It has been an age-old problem of mine that I have finally found "some" help. I recdently began taking Melatonin - 3 g - BUT>>>> not right before bed! I was told that I needed to take it at SUNDOWN because it is a regulator of our circadium rhythms. This has helped.…
  • Would appreciate being part of this group. I'm 63. Have lost and gained weight ad nauseum. Tried Medifast again this year in January and lost 27 pounds. It's almost all back on. I've done this before. I am a sugar addict and truly do best without sugar, but can't seem to stay away from it. I desperately want to eat…
  • I am also re-starting today. Couilnd't bring myself to get on the scale. I have lost weight repeatedly with Medifast only to put it all back on and then some. I am so addicted to sugar. Trying today to stay OFF the sugar and am already "anxious" about getting through tonight without 1/2 gallon of ice cream. I am reaching…