

  • Awww - that's so sweet!! Congratulations!!
  • Way to go with the 3 pounds!! That's fantastic! I put my scale underneath a whole bunch of stuff in the closet. I'd have to actually move some boxes that have been sitting there needing to be organized if I wanted to pull it out. LOL So I weigh once a week at the gym. Tuesday morning is kind of my gym ritual day - get…
  • Mmmm... that sounds so good! Thanks for sharing!
  • Welcome! I've been on 10 days - love it! You're going to do great... :-)
  • I'm like you, have never been a runner before but have recently started and it feels good to be able to do it. I get knee pain rather than hip pain - the biggest thing I've noticed is that when I do some strength training to build my leg muscles the knee pain doesn't come up as often, and also I have to use a foam roller…
  • Great idea about the toothpaste! Nighttime snacking is my biggest problem area too. I do really well with making great choices during the day, and then I relax in front of the tv with a beer or some other unhealthy snack at night... and just like that, I go over my calorie limit for the day. Oooh.. and I just saw the…
  • Just do it, girl! You've already lost weight using the tracking and the system, just keep doing it. It feels sooo good to see the weight come off. Sometimes when I start slacking too I set up a rewards system for myself for just like a couple of weeks. Long enough to motivate me to get back into the habit... so like maybe…