

  • Thank you all this is good stuff. I definitely have my reservations about using weight machines and have been trying to stick to free weights.. etc.
  • Goals are to slim down and get in shape again. I was training for triatholons prior to given birth to my now 2 year old daughter. I weigh 196lbs right now and would like to be 150lbs by 2014. I have a scale that I use to keep track of my progress. I go to Sports and Fitness of Northlake in Charlotte NC. When I'm lifting I…
  • Okay awesome idea. I work from home and the key for me is making sure that I get out of the house on the days that I work (Monday-Friday) so the gym became my outlet. I drop my daughter off as school at 7 then I go straight to the gym. Just helps me.
  • That is a good question. I guess because I just made it up I want to make sure it's something that will work and not waste my time in the gym.. does that make sense?
  • bump.. anyone out there?