champagne4lulu Member


  • I so hope so!! Now my paranoia is kicking in big time. I keep asking him if he can smell anything all the time and I hope he isn't just saying it to shut me up lol. But he did say he would tell me the truth. No point in NOT saying anything now that he's already told me about it. So let's hope so. I still don't want to…
  • Well, update time. Good news thankfully! My partner says the smell has decreased considerably. He can still smell it but it is faint. So I guess it's slowly leaving my system. I last took it on Thursday and it's now Sunday morning. I've been drinking liquid chlorophyll and apple cider vinegar. Also peppermint tea and green…
  • Yeah that's just it - the smell isn't fishy. Which is why I'm now very concerned.
  • Thank you. I guess I'm just worried it isn't that and it's something else. I'm not on a high dose so it's very strange. What else could it be? What if it isn't that? I'm just totally freaking it. Particularly as you can smell it even standing meters away from me. Wtf do I do?!?
  • Oh and I'm eating 130-200 g carbs per day depending on the day so I'm not low carb either. I just don't know what to do!!
  • I have stopped taking it two days ago. But I still smell strongly of it.
  • And a few people have commented on a yucky smell around me but not sure if they realised it was actually me. Probably eventually which is mortifying.
  • I did. He said he smelled it as soon as he walked in the house. I just fell to pieces. It hasn't improved. He said it's like a chemical smell and exactly like the l-carnitine if you smell it from the jar. What if it doesn't go away? What if it isn't the carnitine and it's just me now?!?! How am I supposed to live my life…
  • I have drunk so much water and green tea today. Also had chlorophyll and Apple cider vinegar. I rubbed lemon juice everywhere too. I'm not sure if it's doing anything as I just can't smell it. So frustrating and stressful. I don't know what to do. What if it isn't this? What if I can't get rid of it? I have to work and I…
  • Cool thanks guys. I'm definitely panicking a bit. Today I'm going pretty unprocessed - Greek yoghurt, berries, green tea, WATER WATER WATER and lots of veges. I had an Epsom salt bath last night and I'm going to get apple cider vinegar and chlorophyll as they are good for detoxing liver and skin. I have one protein shake…
  • Well I have stopped it immediately that's for sure!! I guess I'm worried what if it ISN'T this? I just can't think of what else would cause it. I was taking the recommended dose only and I'm not sure how long it will take to leave my system. I read that meat, dairy, eggs, alcohol, coffee and many other things have…