Don't let the Lean part of P90X discourage your or steer your wrong, you will still burn a ton of calories and still get toned up doing Lean, you just do not have the plyometrics to worry about (so there is no jumping around). Lean is more about gaining strength, doing each movement properly, and you'll gain LEAN body mass…
Hafa Adai Kandi, I'm Michelle, I'm on Guam also, my DH is stationed out of Santa Rita. There are actually a bunch of us who are using this site right now who are doing the 28 TABATAS and have begun to use this as a common place to cheer each other on. How long have you been on the island? Hope to get to know you, good luck…
5-6 small sized meals are much healthier for your body than 3 large sized meals. The reason is because eat 5-6 times a day will keep your metabolism up and working all day and will help you lose weight, rather than eat 3 meals larger sized meals and then snacking between because you are hungry. IF your spread out your…