

  • Say Whhaaat? Iphone is not the original smartphone - the first one didn't even come out until 2007!!!! Blackberry all the way! They have been bringing internet to the mobile world since 1999!
  • Week 4 - Recovery week for me - Today is my first time doing Core Synergistic - hope it goes well - I'm curious to see what it's all about!! :) Hope everyone else is doing well in their journey!!
  • Hey guys!! I'm on my last day of Week 3 (well almost!). Today is Kenpo X and tomorrow on the rest day I'll make up the yoga X that I missed on Thursday - and then it's into Week 4 for me!! I'm feeling pretty good - seems like I'm always sore - but not unbearably so. Can't believe 3 weeks is down already! How is everyone…
  • Half way through week 3 - Yoga X tonight! Enjoying the process!! Feeling stronger and enjoying seeing little improvements as I go along - shoulders and arms was great last night! :)
  • Great challenge! I accept!
  • Wow!! You're an animal!! Maybe one day I'll be able to manage a day like that ... without collapsing into a puddle of sweat and dying! My week has started off alright! Chest and Back today - bringing it! Getting stronger - slowly but surely! Loving the P90X journey! :)
  • Week 3 Incoming! I'm feeling stronger already! Looking forward to getting to week 4 - I've heard core synergistics is good! Hope everyone is doing well and feeling great! Here's to an awesome week!
  • I used to be a HUGE starbucks fan - but I quit coffee completely while I was pregnant and for the first few months of nursing. Now that I'm back to coffee - I prefer a yummy organic blend made in a french press at home. I'm addicted to the sugar free coffeemate - but I'm no longer a slave to the starbucks empire! Not to…
  • I just log it under something comparable to what my heartrate monitor gives me. Not sure if that helps you much :ohwell: Curious what others do as well - I'm only on week 2!
  • Hey WildFlower7! Congrats to you and your hunny on passing your fit test and welcome to your P90X journey!!! :) I can't say much for the protein shake recipes - I kinda follow my own and I am a fan of new whey liquid protein shots (all protein no carbs or fat). I haven't experienced an upset tummy after a workout either -…
  • You are amazing and beautiful! I'm so happy for you! Your story truly is inspiring! I can only imagine how great you FEEL! Many many congrats!
  • I love all the motivation from the P90Xers! Helps on days like today when I'm so sore!!! You guys are all fabulous!
  • Hello guys! Nice to see so many P90Xers!! KyleGA - congrats on becoming a P90X graduate!! Cassie - My next goal is Insanity - then we'll see. I really want to check out Asylum - not sure about P90X2 - looks intensely scary! I'll see how I feel about it after I'm a P90X grad!
  • Hello guys ;) I just joined up with myfitnesspal today - but I started P90X (my first round) Sept 26th - so I'm roughly in line with the October challenge ;) Would love to share in the community here and follow along with others journeys! On a side note - for the discussion about Kenpo X - I hated it last week. It wasn't…