mcdear Member


  • BWAHAHAHAHA I feel the same damn way ..
  • how dare you say something like that on here.. this is not facebook this site everyone meats everyone for support and frienship not to be ridiculed by people who think there better then everyone else in all knowing you are the idiot and pathetic one.. how rude why even write her if u felt this way? are you that mean of a…
  • my favorite girls names are 1(my daughter) Taryn Bailey 2: Mia Lynn 3: Emma Elizabeth I also like boys names for girls like 1: Christina /Chris 2: Ryan change the spelling to fit a girl 3: Jossie/Joe we found our daughters on line through irish baby names because of our irish heritage my son we named him Marek (merrick)…
  • I think your right.. I am loosing weight for myself my husband thinks im the sexiest person out there but he is also supportive because im doing it me not him..oh and also my husband is a big boy and if i knew where to find the hot guy posts I would so post him cause DAMN he looks
  • just laugh at them.. they obviosly have a problem with themselfs to have to make rude comments.. I have a cousin that I used to hang out with you know the older one that could drive me around and we look at boys anyways I was 16 and she told me that if i ever loose weight she will never hang out with me again or take me…
  • Thank goodness this hasnt started yet cause I gained a pound .. damn holidays and baking and yummy beaters with that gooey chocolate yummness... oh sorry I got away from the point
    in Orange Comment by mcdear December 2011
  • wooohoooo GO orange
    in Orange Comment by mcdear December 2011
  • I want in .. I have been looking for a challenge to join..
  • keep your chin up im new to this and feel your pain but being upset with yourself isnt going to get you anywere stay positive... and know you can do this