:) Thank you everyone :) I'd better start then! Could be slightly scary - I drink a lot of tea (just low fat milk, no sugar). I don't tend to bother with other drinks bar water - always prefer to opt for a cuppa. Thanks again :)
If you've access to a microwave, I tend bring leftovers in to work - ie risottos or stews. For more fresh ideas I tend to make a couple of wraps filled with salad, or roasted veg, or hummous with grated carrots and cucumber. Or a pitta with salad and falafel. The more protein the better as it fills you for longer,…
Well done!!!!
Hello :) I'm not sure how much help this will be, but... just in case it will be... I'm currently on Mirtazepine and have been for over 4 years. Part of the reason (aside from the obvious antidepressant effect) I was prescribed this drug was to increase my appetite and help me sleep - at the time I had dropped to a little…