

  • Got p90 in the mail about a week ago while I was on leave. Going to start Fat Burn Express tomorrow, then day 1 of p90 next monday (14th)! Been eating well and walking/running the past week. I'm really excited to get into a routine and start shredding the weight. I've found more motivation by making calendars for the next…
  • I think that they both go hand in hand. If you're eating better and tracking what you eat and are actually able to see what you're putting in your mouth, that alone is going to shred the pounds. Along with actually being able to see what you're eating, that's going to be motivation to do better on your workouts, which in…
  • Just ordered p90 today. Should be here within the next week. I was going to start with p90x, but figured that it would be too intense to start at. Any suggestions or advice for beginning?
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