

  • Got mine out an hour ago! Dr tried to convince me that hair loss/thinning was not a side effect. I told him, it's right on the manufacturer's website! Anyway, it's out, and now I will see if some of my problems will go with it. I have recorded my weight today, as well as photos of my thin hair. With that as a baseline,…
  • YEP! I am at the exact 5 year mark. I loved the freedom from periods. I do not love all the stuff that has gone wrong since year 3 that I am only now chalking up to Mirena (thinning hair - a lot!, low energy, zero sex drive, mood swings, weight gain) So Thursday I am meant to go in for a coil change... I am just having it…
  • Welcome here! I have 4 also, and those exact ages! I get tired of being told "well, you're not that heavy for someone who had 4 kids....". I just want to be thought of as "not heavy" full stop!
  • Anything with a Bhangra beat works really well for running and/or fast-walking. I keep a lot of Bollywood stuff on my MP3 player.
  • With any luck, it means you have been drinking closer to your correct intake of water, and your body is getting used to processing that much liquid. Peeing more is a normal and good sign of hydration. I find that after a couple of weeks, the bladder settles down a bit and you won't be running to the loo every 15 minutes :D
  • I'm not vegetarian, but eat a lot more Quorn that red meat. The mince is amazing in vegetarian chili or cottage/shepherd pie as well as bolognese. The 'Chicken' prices are also very tasty in fajitas, stir-fries, and casseroles. The low fat/high fibre and protein are what make it a first choice for me!
  • Oxford, Oxon! Lots to lose, feel like it is time
  • I'm finishing my PhD in Archaeology. It sure is hard digging when you are fat! So that's one of my main motivators. Also, Lara Croft looks great...why shouldn't I!