jlinam80 Member


  • I do calorie cycling, but on the days I eat I eat a lot. I have a few friends that also starve themselves. They've gotten results, but I've also noticed when everyone pretty much went off their diets over the holidays I gained 3lbs due to not exercising, but my friends all gained 20-40lbs. I'll add you to my friends. :)
  • It depends. I was really good about working out at home, and was motivated enough to turn off the tv and get to it. However, I'm also a bit competitive, so when I hit a wall I did join a gym and started doing the classes because I got to the point where I needed to push myself further and I knew I'd do it in a group…
  • I've never understood those people. They make fun of you for being overweight and then you work to get in shape and they still make fun of you. I remember walking out of the gym and I was feeling really good because I'd just done measurements with my trainer and I was down 45lbs, and some guy called me a fatty as I was…
  • Well my daughter is overweight, but not obese. Everyone on my dad's side of the family is considered overweight even after having had weight loss surgeries, and going to the gym, and diet changes. I to am over weight, and I workout 5-7 days a week and eat well. I can't control what my daughter eats at daycare, but I do…
  • It's taken me 2 years to loose 70lbs. Which averages out to less then 1lb a week. I think shows like Biggest Looser set you up to feel like a failure when you just loose .2lbs instead of 10lbs in a week, but in all reality if you want it to stay off slow and steady is the way to go. Stick with it. I just did a 10k obstacle…
  • If it's popular where you're from then do it. I live in Utah, so no one out her does it that I've seen, but I don't think there's been much dancing at the weddings I've been to. LOL. I guess it all depends on your guests. I don't see anything wrong with it. I mean it's your wedding, and you should do what you want to do.…
  • Well it's hard to say without knowing your current weight and how much you workout, but I wouldn't do the 1200 calorie diets. I had doctors put me on phentermine because I was so hungry and couldn't live off of 1200 calorie. Then once I could feel hunger again I ate. I finally had a personal trainer who put me on 2,500…