I think I'm way late for this but I'd love to be in Ravenclaw! If not now, maybe the next term?
Hi! I have an UPBand, and overall I'm pretty satisfied with it! Mine's kind of old (and I bought it refurbished), so it's seen better days and when I first got it the app was pretty glitchy, but now it works wonderfully. It does sync to MFP, but it can be kind of confusing how it works. I still don't fully understand it,…
Nachos and Oreos. O lawdy.
Count me in!
Thanks, friends. :) I'm not going to do a proper workout tonight but I might do some light yoga and walk around. A hot bath might be necessary, too!
Wife Swap. I'm not actually sorry. And Alternative Baking Company cookies. Holy lawd. But mostly Wife Swap.
It's possible your body is going into starvation mode. Eating less and exercising more is the general idea, but if you exercise TOO MUCH and don't eat ENOUGH your body will think it's starving and cling to every calorie it gets, and you'll gain weight. It's also normal for weight to fluctuate by ounces (and even full…
You are wrong for not understanding. Just because a woman wants to lose weight/look sexy/etc, does not mean she's doing it to impress someone else. She could be doing it for herself. Or that could just be how she is. You're under the misconception that the entire point of a woman's existence is to impress men. It's not.
Creepy not so much, odd feels like a better word. Out of context it actually sounded horribly insulting and I was all fired up and ready to tell OP to drop him like it's hot. But hey, if it's a good thing, awesome! Go for it! Enjoy dat money qurl.
I think a lot of the advice other people have offered is really good stuff. Be mindful of what triggers you to binge and work on either avoiding your triggers or acknowledging them but not letting them take over. It'll take practice, for sure. And you'll screw up. Just try not to let it hurt you too much. You should never…
As a vegan, no I do not eat cheese. I do, however, eat dairy-free cheese substitutes once in a while. :) Daiya shreds are delicious, and so is Tofutti cream cheese.
I don't really see a problem with it. In fact, if you guys are negotiating it means neither of you are afraid to communicate what you want in bed, which is really great! Communication is key. :)
I don't have any intolerances, but I've been vegetarian for over a year and just went vegan this year, and I love almond milk! I like it better than dairy milk. :D I never really cared for soy milk myself, but almond is good, and so is rice milk. Almond milk is a lot creamier and slightly nutty, where rice milk I think is…
never make a fat girl choose her favorite food, child (can I just be vague and pick soup? I love soup) What's one thing you love about yourself?
I'm a full time college student that also works on campus so I TOTALLY know where you're coming from. Smoothies and meal shakes are going to be your best friend. Whip them up before you go to work, and sip them throughout the day. Try to bring other little snacks if you can, too, like trail mix or grapes or other little…
It's gonna sound crazy, but a vegetarian or vegan diet can be extremely wallet-friendly if you know what you're doing. Meat is EXPENSIVE. Try to avoid buying it if you can, or if you can't, buy it at its cheapest and freeze it. Get to know your freezer. It's gonna be your friend. Frozen fruits and veggies are great because…
I totally get how frustrating it can be when you "let yourself cheat" for more than you planned, but is it really cheating? Food isn't your enemy; it's fuel for your body. And maybe you overindulged a little bit. That's okay. You acknowledge that a mistake happened, and now you have to acknowledge that you can't make it…
MFP has a recipe function that allows you to create recipes by entering all the ingredients, and MFP will calculate nutritional value. You can tell it how many servings it makes, then record however many servings you eat as you go. I'm a vegetarian (almost-vegan) and also do a lot of home-cooking, so I know exactly what…
Vegan mashed potatoes and leftover Gardein turk'y gravy from Thanksgiving. My TMJ is acting up and I can't chew. :'(
Hey there! I started at 245, and I'm already at 230, which is something I never thought I could do. Calorie counting has never been much of a problem for me, but...exercise. Bleh!!! Luckily I've found some stuff I love doing, and since I started working out fairly-regularly, the weight's just been falling off. It's like…
The good news is that one day of overindulgence won't hurt you. Shake it off, and move forward. No harm done. :) You're still doing great and making progress, and one day of going over your calorie intake isn't going to change that. That being said, be sure to keep an eye out for a pattern. If days like these continue, you…
Body weight fluctuates a ridiculous amount throughout the day and week. My suggestion to you is to weigh yourself less frequently; once a week is fine, and ideally at the same time every week, to keep measurements consistent. If you're still seeing dramatic weight loss (anything over 2 pounds a week is worrisome), consult…