karentazdevil Member


  • You are welcome, all the best. P.S You look great hope you get where you want to be soon x
  • Sorry guys but i do have to point out that on mass Muscle weighs more than fat because it is more dense, but 2lb of fat weighs the same as 2lbs of muscle the difference is that muscle is heavier by volume than fat and its much healthier to weigh more because you are muscular rather than flabby. So a woman who weighs150 lbs…
  • :frown: Is it not possible to delete a post once you have put one on?? new to the site. Thanks
  • S:smile:
  • I'm exactly the same but because i was becoming obsessed with weighing everyday i found that it dictated what mood i was in for the day... STOP...please... just use the scales (if you must) once a week or fortnight to keep on track but then you will see a much more accurate picture of your weight loss. Us ladies will go…
  • I hope this isnt stating the obvious but have you done intermittent training on a treadmill? Where you run say for 2 minutes (at 7.5km per hr +) then slow down to a fast walk for 2 mins(5.5kmph) & build up your running speed that way? Do 5km in total which will take about 40 to 50 mins then increase the run time & reduce…
  • Hi, I'm new to myfitness pal & love it already! My journey started a year ago with Slimming world & now im trying to train for a marathen so i needed to step things up & the phone app is really helping me do this. I wanted to test my Ticker & badges is there anywhere i can as it didn't work by adding it on this post!!??…