

  • Did I post this question???? :tongue: Seriously, I started working out on April 1st, and for the first week or so I avoided all of the equipment, except the treadmill. Then I incorporated the nautilus and bikes, all the while watching folks glide along effortlessly on the ellipticals. On week 3 I felt brave and hopped on…
  • Here is the link for the Reebok Precision Training HRM at Target.com. http://tinyurl.com/lthzal It's on sale for $27.99
  • Hey everyone! I would love to join this challenge too! Here are my stats.... Age: 41 Starting Weight: 218 lbs. Current Weight: 218 lbs 8/31/09 Goal Weight: 198 lbs (but would like to see 188 lbs) End Goal Weight: 150 lbs Days/Mins. Exercise - 5 days/90 mins (the gym was closed Mon, so this week was 4 days/360 mins)