shine82 Member


  • Although, I do not have jeggings, i have skinny jeans.. but i think with a long top anyone can wear it. But basically its all about how you feel when you wear it..
  • I did eat Lean Cuisine earlier.. but i see that it was not very filling and it had way too much sodium.. If you eat out a lot, I would suggest try to eat at subway, or go to the cafe sort of places.. eat soup, no bread... or wherever you are comfortable and aware of the ingredients.. Or make a quick sandwich in the morning…
  • Ohh boy, thats inspirational.. You look great..
  • Ohh I totally relate to you.. my family give me hard time too, for not eating what they are eating.. But i have to take my stand, i know better..
  • I haven't had soda or any type of aerated drink in years and have maintained a healthy weight... My weakness is coffee but only at home, i do not do startbucks lattes or whatever the crap is in there.. i only drink 2 cups coffee at home with half and half.. half and half is a luxury that i want to keep for myself.. My main…
  • Sorry for posting twice.
  • I did not log at all for a week, work was pretty hectic, but I was working out at gym twice thrice and walked a lot... but i resumed logging yesterday onwards.. need to get back on the wagon now.. holidays are OVER.
  • i dont generally eat a lot of junk... but my body responds to sugar immediately, its like i just puff up and 'tis the season... I'm off the wagon...
  • i dont generally eat a lot of junk... but my body responds to sugar immediately, its like i just puff up and 'tis the season... I'm off the wagon...
  • Amazing, amazing, great job, you are inspirational.
  • I agree, eliminating sodas whether its diet, can help you lose weight. The diet sodas have soo much of artificial sweetener, which is not good for health over all. and it gives you a fake boost of energy. Also the aerated stuff is harmful. Studies say if you eat too much of artificial sweetener, it makes you crave for…
  • I totally understand where you are coming from, I also weigh 125 lbs, i'm 5.2" and haven't been able tolose the 5 pounds since last year. Though my stomach looks better than before, but my face still looks heavy. We are that point that losing weight will not come easy. We need to push hard and right now i really do not…
    in Plateau? Comment by shine82 October 2011