

  • Tofu scramble! Google it, there are tons of recipes to suit your tastes.
  • I'm almost done with week 1 and I feel great! How is everyone else doing?
    in P90Xers! Comment by sizzlii October 2011
  • Hi everyone! I'm on day 2 of week 1 so I just did Plyo X without the bonus round. Oh my goodness, that workout is tough! How is P90X going for everyone else?
    in P90Xers! Comment by sizzlii October 2011
  • Hello! I'm starting week 1 of p90x today! I started it a couple months ago and stopped in favor of starting running, but I really want to get back into it. I love Tony Horton and can't wait to start again! I hope everyone else is doing well with this, too! :)
    in P90Xers! Comment by sizzlii October 2011