

  • Hi- I am a Pediatrician so here is what I think is happening. It is most likely your body going into conservation, or starvation mode as some like to refer to it. If you are consuming less than the calories alloted ,based on your baseline activity level that you entered into MFP, then the body will slow its metabolism…
  • Finished day 5 of level 1!! I had to take a day off yesterday to let my muscles recover(my quads were on fire). I also had been using 5 lb hand weights and struggled with completing the strength part but today I used 3 lbs and completed every exercise. I can definately feel and see the toning of my muscles. I think after…
  • I am excited to have others share in the pain Jillian inflicts. I finished day 3 of level 1 today. I struggled more today because my muscles were so sore and fatigued. I also did 20 min interval on my elliptical trainer this evening. I was thinking about taking a one day break from 30 day shred tomorrow. I just started MFP…
  • I'm in!!! just join MFP 1 week ago and I am in love. :heart: :heart: :heart: