
  • We already took our vacation for the year. We went to Disney World & Universal Studios for the first time back in April. It was the most amazing vacation ever! We drove to FL from Northern NY (about a 22 hour drive). It was a really awesome experience and I can't wait to go back some day!
  • *sigh* add me to the club too. Age: 34 Height: 5'5" SW: I'm not sure CW: " '' Dang scale is broken Goal Weight: 150, but maybe lower! Anyone can add me too.
  • I started low carbing on April 2nd, mostly because I was told by a Paleo friend that it would basically get rid of my acid reflux for good. I figured I'd give it a shot because I was having bad side effects from the PPI I was on for the reflux. Since April 2nd, my reflux has been gone (except on the few days that I have…
  • I started low carbing on April 2nd and by May 30th I had lost 20lbs. I never thought I could do LC. I like my breads and other grains too much, but after some research, I discovered that LCing would greatly reduce my acid reflux, so I gave it a shot. It worked! When I'm being good and sticking to a LC diet (under 60 a…
  • Jillian Michaels' Whey Protein Powder also has Stevia. http://www.amazon.com/mn/search/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=barghuntmama-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957&field-keywords=jillian%20michaels%20protein%20powder&url=search-alias%3Daps&sprefix=jillian%20michaels%20prot%2Caps%2C800