

  • WOW! ThanKs for sharing. It may be a icky subject but I'm glad u brought it up. BUT now I'm kinda worried. I have never been a 'regular' kind of person. I could go 2-3 days before I NEED to go. I'm only mildly active, I work a sit down job during the day and then online school work at night. If want to make myself go every…
  • Hi!! I read your post and it was like deja vu`. I have said and decided the same things, just a few days ago. I am about to turn 40 and dont want to weight this much when I do. I have decided also, this is it, THIS is my year to turn things around because i am tired of this weight rollar coaster. I'm tired of HATING to…
  • Count me in!!!! I need a challenge!
  • If its been a while since u've (please forgive my shorthand) last worked out then you should start off slow. You dont want to get all Gung-ho and make urself sore and unable to move for three days. Then ur back to where u started, and if u keep this up u wont make any progress. Always warm up. When you walk into the gym,…