

  • Welcome! I am new to the site also, its motivating to see so many people working hard to change for the better! Good luck to you on your own weight loss journey!
  • I just made some yesterday, and they were delicious! Here is what I did... Italian Style Peppers 4 Red bell peppers sliced lengthwise 1 1/4 lb Lean ground turkey Chopped onion and garlic 1 Cup Brown Rice Sugar Free or Regular Pasta sauce Fresh Baby Spinach leaves Low-fat Shredded Mozzarella Cheese (Optional) I browned the…
  • welcome! I am also new to the site, in my twenties, and am determined to lose the weight. I have found this site to be helpful, and I'm sure your will too! Good luck achieving your goals!
  • Welcome! Good luck on your journey to a healthier life! I am new to the site as well, and so far I have found it to be great!