

  • I just bought coconut milk to put in my vi-shakes --- I'm trying to find the coconut almond milk. Heard it's great
  • a Vi-shake after a workout within 30 minutes is great, packed with great quality tri-sorb protein so your body absorbs all the nutrients and you get lean muscle.
  • Not all vitamins are great quality. I take the Vi-pak which has an anti-aging and energy supplement and it's amazing. But I also drink a Vi-shake before going to bed and I have been sleeping so much better and soundly and wake up fully rested. If you want more info on that, email me to not slide…
  • drmerc, people fear what they don't understand......make sure you go to a certified hydrotherapist and you learn so much...on how to eat, and you will change how you live your life. It's a great experience
  • The colon hydrotherapy only goes in about three inches and is very safe
  • I did the colon hydrotherapy and it was great and yes, do the extra and get the organic coffee -- it truly is amazing.