

  • After a long weekend I walked during lunch but only a little last night. I did have some library books due back so I hoofed it up to return them and wound up with 25234 for the day. The program is over the half way point and so far Im at 1,424,228 steps since April 12. Ive dropped a few pounds and that feels pretty good.…
  • I hope everyone had a great weekend and was able to get out and walk. The weather here in Northern Ohio was hot and sunny. The nights cooled down though and I was able to get out a little. My daughter now likes to walk with me so thats pretty cool. She doesnt have a super long stride (yet) so we take "our" walk and then…
  • I gave it a solid shot yesterday and through a combination of factors wound up with 57,026. Im very sore today and have 2 blisters but I the more I get moving around, the better I feel. Out of curiosity, what do people listen to on their MP3's, Ipods, etc.? Do you have favorite motivating music? Sometimes its just nice to…
  • I was busy again last night and was only able to squeeze in a few steps and wound up with 20281. My average is dropping and I have to do something about it. Hopefully this weekend I can crank out some decent numbers. Dan
  • Barb, I might be way off here but I seem to recall something about this. I think as long as you have accurately entered your weight and stride distance, the calories should be fairly accurate on the pedometer (in terms of walking). Also, that only applies to a perfectly level surface (obviously you burn more calories going…
  • Yesterday was a strange day. I was able to walk a little at lunch but more than usual during work. A friend stopped by and we walked a little but was able finally at night to reserve about 2 hours so I wound up at 30343 steps.
  • Jenn, Excellent job on the steps! I have a 4 year old and a one year old and they do not stop! So today I invented a new word: Steploss: The anger you feel when you realize you have forgotten to wear your pedometer and you have walked a bunch of steps. Its funny because now Im trained to put the thing on as soon as I wake…
  • Shin splints can be tough and a real problem. I get them from time to time. Here is what I do. #1.) Stretch a little before starting and/or during your walk. Stand facing a wall. Place both hands flat against the wall now move your legs back slightly and pretend you are trying to push it over. You see runners doing this…
  • Susy, Thanks for the advice on eating. I will fully admit though that the sensible eating train jumped the tracks and plunged into the valley this weekend. Weekends are pretty bad for me as I have other obligations that get in the way. That being said I was able to stick it out and get a few steps in yesterday but Friday…
  • Barb, Thanks for the motivating words, they are appreciated. I'm much more of a nightowl than morning person so I tend to walk more in the evenings. Im fortuante to live a walk friendly city so that helps. I find myself walking for errands that I would have driven in the past. I ate a horrible dinner (hello Taco Bell…
  • Im in the same boat too. I used to exercise all the time but stopped and now I am trying to start again. Im trying to make smarter choices too but its pretty dificult, especially at the start. What exercises are you currently doing?
  • Im brand spanking new to this group so let me relay a little bit about myself. The company I work for has instituted a walking program as part of their "wellness" push and part of this initiative includes a step challenge. Those involved were issued an Omron HJ-72OITC Pedometer. I really like it and its fun to track your…
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