

  • Wow! You all are so amazing!! I will start with smaller goal of like 5lbs. Once I lose that I will restart at 5lbs. Smaller is better. Thanks to all of your for motivating replies. It has really helped So I shall being today!!:bigsmile:
  • Thanks for the boost! I am actually finding the smoking part the easiest.My daughter has quit smoking as well so it makes it a lot easier . I have to work on my ice cream and candy cravings so I have decided to get on the treadmill or elliptical every time a crave sweets
  • Water is my biggest problem. I absolutely detest the stuff. I try & try to drink it but without success. I have tried everything from lemons to mints. If I get the sugar free mints and pop one in my mouth then I can drink a whole glass of water. I guess thats a start.
  • Thanks, I think shes pretty cool too. I started my first day by getting up a having a cup of coffee & taking my dog Cody for a 40 minute walk. It felt pretty good. Now I will have my breakfast. I probably should have had breakfast first then walked. Oh well there's always next time.
  • Thanks for your well wishes! I am looking forward to getting started. The neat thing is that I have my daughter right here with me and I have seen first hand the sucess that can be had with this site. She has lost about 18lbs. since October.
  • Thanks for all of your great tips! Two years ago I got a small notebook and kept a food journal and I was dropping the pounds. It is so much easier for me to log the foods before I eat as I did in my journal. I have very little will power and when I can read what I can have to eat I found that I was able to keep to it.…
  • I just signed up and need all the help and support I can get!